Will Sony Drop The Price Of The PS4 Pro This Year? ; Michael Pachter Explains

PS4 Pro

The PS4 Pro has had a great reception so far , and great things are in store for Sony. With E3 2017 so close and the expected reveal for the price of the Xbox One Scorpio so near, the question about Sony’s PS4 Pro getting a price drop this year has been asked by many a few.

Michael Pachter talked exactly about this in the latest episode of his show Pachter Factor (Episode 63). Michael was asked the question whether Sony would be looking forward to cutting the price of Pro as the Switch had been performing greatly since release and with the upcoming release of the Scorpio later this year.

“I think the PS4 Pro goes from $400 to $350 probably a month at least before Scorpio launches, possibly they’ll do it at E3.”, said Pachter. Pachter believes that Sony would be quick to exploit any opportunity to counter the sales for the Scorpio as it has been doing so in the past with other consoles. A price drop for the PS4 Pro right after the price announcement of the Scorpio would mean that Sony would be making the Pro accessible to much more people throughout the time between E3 and the release of Scorpio.

“Sony guys are pretty good at exploiting an opportunity, and Microsoft is going to give them opportunities”

There have been examples in the past where Sony has been quick to react to Microsoft’s given opportunities such as the huge $100 price drop for the original PlayStation just before the launch of the original Xbox.


Microsoft is expected to reveal pricing for the Scorpio on June 11th while Sony’s conference is scheduled one day later on the 12th. They will have ample time to react to the news and will take action accordingly the next day.

We are expected to hear much more about this at E3 2017 that will take place in mid-June. Stay tuned for more about this and let us know what you think about the expected price drop of the PS4 Pro in comments section below!

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Sam's one of the most laid back and relaxed individuals that you will find. He loves both the DC and Marvel Cinematic Universe, and enjoys playing FIFA on his Xbox One.
  • Ucouldntbemorewrong

    I could see a $50 dollar drop happening, but $100 would be crazy and also help stop Scorpio in it’s tracks, but I don’t see 100.

  • Hvd

    Pachter says the sun will rise in the morning and set in the evening way to state the obvious Pachter again how is it you got your job?

    this guy is a loon and if i was these sony fan boys i wouldnt let him speak on my behalf…lmao


      Except he doesnt speak on behalf of sony or sony’s fans moron!

      Its like asking why xbots let you speak nonsese on their behalf!