About Us

About Us: Welcome to our about us page. Here you will find out more about the people who are involved in the day to day operations pertaining to TheWolfhall.com. Stated below are the names of our writers and Editors in chief, along with a detailed description of our day to day operations TheWolfHall is an entertainment portal founded by a bunch of enthusiasts under the umbrella of JAV media. Our main objective is to cover in-depth and relevant gaming, entertainment news, and the culture that surrounds it. We aim to be the one stop shop for gaming and entertainment news around the world for fans and enthusiasts alike. As an independent news and media outlet we strive to do our best when it comes to reporting relevant news and updates regarding your favorite games on console and PC’s alike, we try our level best to not indulge in console wars and believe in fair and unbiased reporting , however our editor in chief does have a soft spot for the PS4 and it’s exclusives which he keeps on ranting about in every other meeting.    

For any queries, contact us on:

  Owners and Editors- In- Chief
Wajeeh Siddiqui
Wajeeh Siddiqui –
Jahanzeb Haider  

Jahanzeb Haider –

Alejandro Duraid-Knaves
Alejandro Duraid-Knaves

Andrea Mortensen

Andrea Mortensen
Samuel Shaw
Samuel Shaw