The iconic and everybody’s favorite villain, Darth Vader, was featured in Star Wars: Rogue One but only for a very limited amount of time. The writer, Gary Whitta, who worked on a prior draft has disclosed that he initially had an idea for Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) to outlive the final battle in the movie to only be killed by Vader.
In this version of the film, Vader kills Krennic for letting the Rebels run away with the plans of Death Star following the final showdown on Scarif, the tropical planet. Here’s what Whitta explained to Entertainment Weekly in an interview;
“He survived the blast and they pulled him up and brought him to the Star Destroyer to report to Vader. He’s all beat up, his cape’s all torn up and stuff, and he thinks he has survived. Vader kills him for his failure.”
Krennic ‘somehow survived’ the blast on the tropical planet which seems really unlikely considering how demotivating it was and here’s what Whitta said to that:
“It’s a bit of reach, which is why it isn’t in the finished film.”
In this deleted scene of Rogue One, a lead role Jyn Erson and Cassian Andor would have taken the significant intelligence and escape with their lives. In the released theatrical version, all the main rebels died, even Krennic.
This version shows Krennic meeting his fate from the infamous Force choke through Vader’s hands. The launch of this version of Rogue One is going to be on 24th March, digitally and the Blu-ray/DVD is going to be up on shelves on 4th April.
Star Wars: Rogue One’s sequel is titled Star Wars: The Last Jedi which is going to be released in December.Let us know your expectations from the upcoming release by commenting in the comments section below.