Sony’s Jim Ryan On Backwards Compatibility: “It Is One Of Those Features That Is Much Requested, But Not Actually Used Much”

Sony Ps4


Perhaps the best thing about Xbox  has been its backwards compatibility feature , and it is without a doubt one of the standouts of the Xbox platform and  has been met with critical acclaim.

Although Sony has done many things right with PlayStation, and its latest incarnation PS4 has now overtaken the PS2 as since its launch in 2013 largely thanks to some tremendous exclusives, it has gone on to sell almost 60 million units. However many Sony fans have always wondered why the company never considered a backwards compatibility feature considering the amazing success that its closest competitor the Xbox One has had with it?

We may now have an answer as in a recent interview with Times magazine PlayStation’s head of global sales and marketing had this to say about backwards compatibility.

“When we’ve dabbled with backwards compatibility, I can say it is one of those features that is much requested, but not actually used much,”

“That, and I was at a Gran Turismo event recently where they had PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 games, and the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?”

Frankly this is a shocking statement, as anyone who has been in the gaming business long enough would tell you amazing graphics does not necessarily make good games. If that was the case Nintendo Switch would have been DOA. With backwards compatibility you have a whole market of young gamers who have yet to play a classic game , and even the more established gamer who would want to revisit or finish a game which they previously could not.

Gran Turismo is a terrible example to give as well, as it was the games mechanics rather than the games graphics that account for much of its success.

Even though I am an ardent PS supporter but this statement was disappointing for me. Let us know your opinions by commenting in the comments section below.

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Essiah has been gaming for a better part of a decade. He owns each and every PlayStation console released.
  • Frank Beans

    I’ve always said BC isn’t much use to most people. When I got my PS2, I never once played a PS1 game on it. When I got my PS3, I never once played a PS2 game on it. Most people don’t play old games. If you do have that need, it isn’t a big deal to keep your old system.

    • KashIsKlay

      Not true. Everyone I know play their old games whether it’s through BC or the older console.

      • Frank Beans

        Well according to Sony, who has access to more data than we do, it is true.

        • KashIsKlay

          Of course it is if they don’t offer the damn feature. It’s incomplete data.

          • Luis Solia Ser

            I for one, has my old PS3 and it’s just accumulating dust… I just play remastered versions :/ and I have the old ones.

          • KashIsKlay

            You play the remastered versions because there is no BC lmao.

          • Frank Beans
          • KashIsKlay

            So you rather pay for a remastered version instead of putting in the older version you may already have?

          • Frank Beans

            When did I say that? I don’t buy old games or play them. I’d only buy a remaster if I never played the original.

          • KashIsKlay

            Because you don’t have a console with BC. Why buy the remaster when you could of bought the original for much less.

          • Gamez Rule

            For many reason…See video

          • KashIsKlay


          • Gamez Rule

            When remastered to output at native 4k at solid 60fps with a complete work over in the graphics department it’s worth the cost to replay an old game better than ever before, so why stick to the old BC version that runs like crap and looks like crap when a newer version has been completely updated for the better ?

          • KashIsKlay


          • Frank Beans

            Sorry, but you’re just coming up with bull now.

            Let’s say I owned both PS3 and PS4. Let’s say I never played the Last of Us.

            You think I should get the PS3 version over the PS4 version because it is cheaper? Well that’s your opinion, but there’s no way I would do that.


            Like xbone ‘s 2017 exclusives lineup?

          • Gamez Rule

            There just isn’t any exciting games anymore for Xbone gamer to get excited over IMO, example where’s Xbone’s Horizon: Zero Dawn, or Breath Of The Wild, Or Bloodborne, or Nioh, or Persona 5, or Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End?

            Nothing at all in 2017 and we are already half way through the year ? VR isn’t being shown at E3 for Xbone or Scorpio because as MS stated “Our primary focus is making our mixed reality experiences a success on Windows 10 PCs”

            MS’s primary focus is on PC more than their consoles or console gamers. It’s been looking that way for ages now.


            As they say, this e3 will save them or kill them!

          • KashIsKlay

            Sure troll


            OUCH! sure it is!

            Thats why you choked on it! Otherwise you would’ve just proved me wrong, but you can’t! cause the xbone ‘s 2017 exclusives lineup is the lamest thing the industry has seen this decade. LOL even the dying wiiu had more exclusives last year!


          • KashIsKlay

            shut up bitch


            LOL LOL LOL

            That DID hit home! it hurt deep into the butt!

            It really Sucks to be an xbot!



          • KashIsKlay

            I have all the consoles idiot.


            If you say so! You dont seem very trust worthy.

            Still, that doesnt exclude you from being a fanboy for one of them idiot!

            And judging by your constat and futile damage control for xbox you are definetly an xbot, and watching you so butthurt just by naming the 2017 xbox “lineup” you definetly are not a happy one.

            Sucks to be an xbot….SPECIALLY after watching that underwhelming conference!


          • KashIsKlay

            You’re a troll. It’s simple as that.


            If you say so! You dont seem very trust worthy.

            Now, what we DO know is that I am right, there is not a single notable xbone exclusive this year and that makes xbots like you very…VERY Butthurt!

            Hence, it sucks to be an xbot!


          • KashIsKlay

            I don’t care I been playing Horizon and gears 4. Kill yourself


            If you say so, but you don’t seem very trust worthy.

            But judging by your primitive responses full of rage I would say you do care, A LOT! so maybe YOU should kill yourself. Cause it sucks to be an xbot.

            Me? I’m having a blast!


          • KashIsKlay

            Lay off the drugs.


            Lol no arguments again?

            Sucks to be an xbot!


          • KashIsKlay

            Blocked 🙂


            Excellent! Your cowardice only shows my superiority over you and how you don’t have the balls to face me. (maybe you are closer to kill yourself than anyone imagined, get help).

            The best part is that I can correct you every time I find you lying without you babling your primitive responses.

          • Frank Beans

            Get a clue dude. Sony had BC compatibility on the PS2 and the PS3. They have plenty of data from those eras about the usage of BC. You must be completely ignoring that? They decided it wasn’t worth the effort.

          • KashIsKlay

            Then they started to sell you remasters for more since it’s more profitable.

          • Frank Beans

            Remasters are for people who either never owned the previous system or maybe they love the game and wanted to play a better version of it. It is a totally different topic and it really doesn’t have anything to do with BC. Microsoft still does remasters even though they have BC.

          • KashIsKlay


        • Paul Josephson

          Than what is the purpose of PSNow? That is essentially a way for Sony to charge people to have BC. Are they going to close PSNow down? That service was acceptable at one time because it operated on so many devices (TVs, Vita, PS3, …). Now with just two devices supported, PS4 and PC, it acts contrary to what Ryan is saying. So, if we are to take Ryan at his word that BC is not really used much it must mean PSNow is not being used right? How is BC a whole not be viable yet PSNow still viable. Is it because you can charge some nice coin for one?

          • Bilal Prince-Ali

            PSNow is a service that exists that can be used for other things besides JUST games.. as of right now it handles game sbut has th epotential for other things.. so THAT was the point of purchasing a powerful loud service for Sony.. no doubt it shall go through many iterations and will change as time goes on…

            However BC in terms of building it into the system itself simply isnt worth the costs because it’s not a feature used often enough… it’s just a feature called for by a loud small SMALL minority and it makes it seems like it’s important when it realllyyy isnt! heres an article


          • Brad Marcus Kirchhoff

            Ppl get on PSNow bc it has old school games. That will not change unless it is shut down. That will always be the appeal of that service.


            You know is a service directed to people who didn’t own a ps3 right? Including those who own a pc!

            That’s why Sony says “it isn’t used that much” instead of saying “there’s ps now”.

            Get it?


        It’s very easy, for them to make BC on ps4 is hard and would cost money! Based on their experience and knowledge they deemed it not worthy.

        Would I liked to have it? Sure! Would I use it? Probably not, I don’t play old games.
        Do I want them to spend resources on it instead of making new games? Hell no!

        Say whatever you like about them, they have been giving ps4 users a lot more and better exclusives than MS has. And seeing how they kept outselling the x1 at the same rate even after the BC thing I will say they were right!

        People do prefer new games over old games.

    • Danny MacGurk

      That’s cuz ps1 aND ps2 are dogshit. Great games on 360 u spineless bitch


    Choices are always nice to have…. Just saying….


      That’s true!

      But if a choice costs money, I personally rather they spend money on a brand new iP than them using it to give me the chance of replay old games.


        We’re talking “dollars” as opposed to what a new IP can cost. I understand what you’re saying though…


          I honnestly dont have the slightest idea how much it would cost them, but the fact that I dont see them selling most of the ps2 games on the store tells me its not easy for them.

  • TheRandomOne

    Sony is being stubborn & just does not wanna admit that they are wrong about Backwards Compatibility

    • Bilal Prince-Ali

      how are they wrong!? it’s literally true! here’s an article for context
      The numbers simply dont support this idea that everyone wants BC and when it is available that it’s this raging success and super used feature.

      • Brad Marcus Kirchhoff

        I use PSNow quite often.

      • Danny MacGurk

        Hey Muslim. If I find u I will kill you

      • TheRandomOne

        & yet when certain games get added they clearly get big sales boosts this is being down played because its making Sony look bad plain & simple

        • Frank Beans

          No, they don’t get big boosts.

        • Bilal Prince-Ali

          get a big boost…. you do realise these games are like 7+ years old and literalllyy are selling less than 10 units a month !! So of course when they get announced for BC on a console even if 10 people buy them in a shorter time period that 100% sales boost but only 10 sales!!! so of course having people vote for these popular damn near classic games their release will propel sales but regardless of the real final number the sales numbers are are skewed! this is basics bro are you really that stupid! i see you on N4G always commenting garbage tbh but i never really took you serious until now.


          Ahhh you are that naive! When you read about boosts, make sure they give you hard numbers, otherwise is meaningless!

          360 games stopped selling along time ago, so, if a game sold one copy one week and gets a boost of 10,000% it only means that it sold 100 units next week, that’s nothing!

          But it works to get excited those that can’t handle math.

    • Frank Beans

      No, they are not! They made a mistake last Gen by doing their own course chip that isn’t compatible with previous consoles and ps4. So they made the mistake there, but they aren’t adding BC cause they don’t want to buy because it would cost them more money than what they think is worthy.

      • TheRandomOne

        I say lets see Sonys PSNOW numbers before Sony can talk any shit about the competition

        • Gamez Rule

          Would love to see an updated XBL paying subscribers figures and not just XBL mixed with paying and non-paying members.

          What we do know is that PSN holds more accounts than XBL in total and that PSN having reached 70 million active Monthly users means it also has more monthly
          users than XBL as *Microsoft announced in April that monthly active figures for Xbox Live across Xbox One and PC reached 52 million for the latest quarter*

          We do know that 26.4 million are paying PS Plus subscribers taken at the end of 2016. Wonder what the XBL paying subscribers total is?

          • TheRandomOne

            Yet you dont see Microsoft paying sites to do “research” & sites releasing said “research” right before Sony goes on the defensive with this ? The timing of the releasing of the “research” is questionable & it only tells me that Sony feels threatened with Microsoft beating them to Backwards Compatibility otherwise Sony should really either release their numbers or shut up

          • Gamez Rule

            LOL It’s not a new thing for Sony to put down BC, they even done it about their own PS3 console not having BC for PS2 back in 2009…( see link )


          • TheRandomOne

            & Sony doing this right before the biggest event in gaming ? Its all questionable if you ask me & tells me Sony is insecure about this

          • Gamez Rule

            Tells me that Sony is more popular more than anything else. MS stated their figures in April, and Sony stated their figures May ( one month apart ) ? So they both stated figures close to the event but Sony showed better figures ?


          I say let’s see where Sony talked shit about competition first!

          They only talked about a feature they don’t see is used that much, and ars technica just prove them right.

          But maybe you are to much of a fanboy to see that.

          I get it, the only “new” games they announce for the xbone these days are the BC 360 games, so learning that those are not having that much of an impact hurts your fanboy sensitivity.

  • Bilal Prince-Ali

    People really need to understand that BC is a nice optional feature to have but regadless it’s ALWAYS heavily under used so is no where near worth the costs of development on Sony’s end.

    Heres an article proving how little people use the feature on Xbox One even though they all scream out how much it’s an amazing feature.

    • Danny MacGurk


      • Bilal Prince-Ali

        looool… well unfortunately you cant have that.. im tooooo powerfulllll!!!! muhuhahahahaha!!!

  • Danny MacGurk

    More choice is a great thing. Anybody who disagrees is a spineless puke towing the Sony line. You are are fool to pay for PSNOW. A good zipperhead is are dead zipperhead


      Lol he starts with “More choice is a great thing” (which is true) but then judges anyone that CHOOSES to pay for ps now! How about those who never owned a ps3 fanboy? Or use it on pc? Ah no! They have to be fools! Right?

      Of only they were as “intelligent” as those that got stuck with an inferior, more expensive console that got less games and inferior exclusives, right? But very eager to spend even more for an upgrade with the very same lack of quality exclusives… You go tell them! You clearly look like some one who know what is what!

  • facedown41

    I’ll agree, I don’t use it much with my PS3 that is BC. But the random times I want to pop in an old PS1 or PS2 game, I can. Rather than repurchase a game I already own.

  • Gamez Rule

    “Xbox One users largely ignore backward-compatible Xbox 360 games” Only 1.5% 360 games BC used compared to 54.7% Xbone games used. “While backward compatibility is a feature a lot of console owners seems to like having, it’s not one that a lot of Xbox One owners seem to spend a lot of time using.”

    • Clate

      This is very true. BC only really matters at the start of a gen when there isnt much to play. PS4 has a ton to play these days.

      • Gamez Rule

        My comment was removed for showing that BC is only used by 1.5% of xbone users while 54.7% of xbone gamers play games.

        • Bilal Prince-Ali

          my comments were all removed off this piece of ass website and i dont even know why!!! ¬___¬
          Even when i was abused the abuse comments remain but my similar comment to yours was removed!

          • Gamez Rule

            They have all been re-placed back now…. That is so weird….

          • Apologies for that Disqus apparently classified it as spam as it contained links and automatically removed it. They have now been reinstated , and the comment which was attacking your faith has been deleted. Once again apologies.

          • Gamez Rule

            Thanks for explanation ?

  • Liam.S

    I would love Backwards compatibility on my PS4 since my PS3 finally fried itself and I’ve been having issues trying to find somewhere to fix the darling 🙁

    • Clate

      Unless it is something very minor it will probably cost more to repair than to just buy another one. I work in a repair shop for Phones, PCs, consoles, etc. and almost always for PS3s and 360 it would cost more to fix than just replace them. Only way it would be worth it is if you do not have data backed up

  • Limit Break

    PS2 backwards compability. Forever.

  • Clate

    PS3 backwards compatibility means nothing to me seriously if you want to play PS3 games hook up a PS3. But they do need to get more PS2 games added and they need to add PS1 games.

  • mechlord

    He is right tho:
    1: We had a bc capable PS3, we all saw how that ended.
    2: There are not many games that aged well and really we love more the idea of being able to play old games than actually doing it. I had a bc ps3 and only used it for 2 games. i prefer remasters and remakes to full-blown bc. But thats just me.

  • Bilal Prince-Ali

    is this website serious!!!? They removed all my comments when i wasn’t disrespectful or anything!? no doubt this comment will be removed too!! what the hell is wrong with this garbage noname website!!?