Xbox division head and all around good guy Phil Spencer took to Twitter today to answer some questions, and provide info on the upcoming Xbox games lineup among other things.
The first item on the agenda was his confirmation regarding the HDR Support Of Final Fantasy XV on the Xbox One S.
. XV is confirmed to support HDR on at launch. Can't wait to play on 11/29.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3)
When asked if it’s difficult to add HDR Support to games he said that in his opinion it was better if artists start with it at the beginning rather than adding it afterwards.
Best examples are when artists have been working in and reviewing scenes in HDR so usually not just something added post.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3)
He even gave an update regarding Microsoft’s plan to digitally release Lost Odyssey, although there is no confirmed release date yet.
I know a lot of people want this, as do I. We don't have a date yet but something we want to get done.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3)
He also emphasized upon the fact that they don’t want to force games down the throats of their customers, and that they want to be able to provide the fans a multitude of options to chose from.
We want to give choice on how you buy your games, that would be our goal.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3)
He was also extremely proud of the fact that Gears of War 4 had a phenomenal reception at its release , and that the developers had done an outstanding job on the game.
Thanks, did a great job, very proud of their first game as a studio. I'm glad you are enjoying it.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3)
It will be interesting to see what the future holds for the Xbox One , but one things for certain they are well and truly back in the console wars.