A new God Of War trailer was showcased in the most surprising way possible during an NBA game in Oakland California between The Golden State Warriors and The San Antonio Spurs.
During halftime the new God Of War trailer was showcased on the basketball court. This meant that all those in attendance had no choice but to watch the trailer of the game. As a marketing graduate myself I cant help but applaud the ingenious idea , as this would allow a greater reach for SIE Santa Monica to market their game, and would create intrigue and curiosity amongst the more casual gamers.
Here is the video of the said new God Of War which you can watch by clicking on the YouTube video down below.
The trailer is a narrative between Kratos and Atreus , where the former is teaching the latter that weakness is not an option. The trailer is also a pretty shrewd idea from the marketing team at SIE Santa Monica as most real life father and son duos can be found watching their favorite team on a weekend. The trailer seems to tap into that emotional bond and increase the curiosity of all those in attendance.
With the 20th April release date of God Of War approaching fast, perhaps such marketing strategies may be a good idea to boost pre-order sales. There have been rumors that the pre-orders of the game have been pretty lukewarm considering the god of War legacy, but all that can change once the game approaches crunch time.
God Of War is undoubtedly going to be one of the biggest releases of 2018 and I for one cannot wait to play the game. What did you make of the way the new God Of War trailer was released ? Let us know by commenting in the comments section below.