Santa Monica Studios has started a new Series called God Of War Lost Pages Of Norse Myth which sheds some light on the foes we’ll be facing in the game. The second of these have shed some light on the foes that we will be facing in the game with the first one being Draugr.
Now Draugr for the players who have a keen memory might remember the foe from The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim . Draugr in Skyrim were undead zombie like creatures who utilized Ice elemental abilities and struck at you with their Crystalized blades.
Draugr present in the newest iteration in the God Of War franchise are a common enemy you’ll be facing and by the looks of the trailer and the gameplay we’ve seen so far in E3 and its announcement, the foe incorporates a more fire-elemental form in which it bleeds lava when struck and appears to be made out of Wood.
Two more enemies in the form of The Fire Troll and another new enemy in the form of a Revenant were also introduced. The latter is a type of being which has been totally consumed by its devotion to the Seidr which is a type of sorcery present during the time of the Vikings.
In the podcast Principal character artist Rafael Grassetti also talked about the Midgard Serpent Jörmungandr AKA The World Serpent and how the players will be able to interact with him in a lot of different ways and how the serpent is huge in size in the game and as a cause pushed a lot of technological boundaries. According to him Jörmungandr was always going to be a big part of the game, and it was a huge challenge to get him to talk.
Principal Animator Bruno Velazquez also shed some light on the two Dwarves Brokkr and Sindri who serve as shopkeepers and are there for comedic relief in an otherwise serious game. The podcast offers a ton of other interesting information as well, and if you are interested in finding out more about God Of War you should definitely give it listen . The said podcast can be found below and is 37 minutes long.