Get Titanfall 2 for $29.96 If You’re An Amazon Prime Member


Attention Amazon Prime members! Great news for all of you! Titanfall 2 for $29.96 only for you!!

If you are a member of Amazon Prime then you can buy a physical copy of Titanfall 2 for Xbox One for just $29.96 – this deal is limited and since it’s for a physical copy, it takes more time than usual to ship but I guess the price is good enough and the waiting will be justified.

However, if you aren’t a member of Amazon Prime then don’t worry. You can sign up for a free 30 day trail in order to secure this incredible deal! Titanfall 2 is not just a game but an exceptional first-person shooter developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by EA. The game features scenes that are jam packed with action and an exhilarating campaign mode is available along with several exciting options for multiplayers.

If you have been waiting to purchase this game then this is your chance! Do not miss out on this amazing deal and make sure you sign up for a trial if you are not a member of Amazon Prime already. Here is the link :