The arena based shooter Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode despite comparisons from PUBG was well received.Players from every age group participate in the game, however like all multiplayer games it has its fair share of cheaters.
To address this issue Epic decided to go beyond the fourth wall by not only banning two players but getting the law involved as well, but it seems something didn’t go as per plan in their countermeasures . One of the players on whom the countermeasure was implemented turned out to be a minor and only 14 years old. To make matters worse the minor’s mom is now taking the fight to Epic Games.
Here’s what happened exactly, the 14 year old was using a custom botting service in order to take on Twitch streamers and get an unfair advantage in the game. The player was also alleged by Epic to be an associate and moderator for the website Addictive Cheats, and according to Epic they took the case to the court because it was against their End User License Agreement and the Copyright Act.
The mom decided to strike back at them by reporting that they cannot directly sue a minor and that releasing the minor’s identity is in direct violation with Delaware laws regarding public information on minors. Pointing out that her son never had her consent and that the company should take legal action with the website and affirming the fact that her son merely installed the software that was available at the website rather than contributing in its creation. She also claimed that her son is being used as a scapegoat for the hysteria.
The minors mother also said that if the lawsuit was based on profits/revenue than the company might not have any grounds to prolong the case, since the game is already a free-to-play video game.
Suing a minor is just absolutely ridiculous and what an awesome mom the kid has, who has actually taken the fight to Fortnite and Epic Games.
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