Flash Season 3: Kevin Smith Describes First 2 Episodes As “Phenomenal”


Kevin Smith is a renowned comics geek especially when it comes to the DC universe including DC Comics and the DCEU. The director is set to direct episode 7 of the upcoming Season 3 of The Flash, and being involved with the set certainly has its perks, like getting an early preview of the upcoming season.

Kevin Smith recently live streamed on Facebook from the Central City production offices of The Flash, to discuss the show and his directed episode with the fans, at the end of which he revealed that he had already watched the first two episodes of the upcoming season. Smith had high praise for the episodes, describing them as ‘phenomenal’ and stating that the show had seriously set the bar high for this season. The director was also a bit worried if his directed episode would be able to meet the standards set by the first two. During the live stream, he also revealed minor details pertaining to his directed episode including casting extras, selecting locations for fight scenes, hair, makeup and etc.

The filmmaker and director previous directed an episode of season 2 of The Flash, which became one of the highest rated episode of the season. Smith returns to the show as the director for the seventh episode of the upcoming season, and has been busy promoting his work on the set on Instagram and Facebook giving fans behind the scenes sneak peak now and then. Considering The Flash is his favorite show, the director has vowed to give his best on the direction and make his episode one of the best on the upcoming season.

Wrapping his work on The Flash, Kevin Smith will be heading off to Supergirl to direct an episode on its upcoming season, and the episode will be titled “Supergirl Lives”. The episode number through the season is yet to be announced, however if Kevin delivers a performance similar to his The Flash experience, CW will have all the ratings it needs right in their pockets.

Are you excited for The Flash season 3? Are you looking forward to Kevin Smith’s directed episode? Share your thoughts and views on the show and the director by commenting in the comments section below.

The Flash season 3 will premiere Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 8 p.m on CW.