Destiny servers will be taken down on Thursday, September 8 for maintenance.
Bungie will bring the game’s servers down for a planned eight hours between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Pacific. When the servers come back online players will be able to download the update and continue playing. Most of the update will be prep work; however there are a few notable changes.
Players’ clan tags will no longer be visible in the game for the time being when Destiny update 2.4.0 goes live. Bungie will be turning off clan features in Destiny as the developer prepares for the implementation of Clan Rosters in Rise of Iron. This will last at least until Rise of Iron launches on September 20. The expansion introduces new in-game Clan Roster functionality, such as the ability to use your clan to host private matches.
Update 2.4.0 will will also make a few changes to Sterling treasure. Players will only be able to acquire one Sterling Treasure per week through gameplay with the only activity that will grant the reward being the Level 41 Prison of Elders playlist, previously players could earn three Sterling Treasure boxes per week – one from the Postmaster, another from the Level 41 variant of Prison of Elders, and one from playing a match in the featured weekly Crucible playlist. The item is being removed from all other activities as well as from Eververse. Sterling Treasure will be replaced with Radiant Treasure in The Rise of Iron, which will drop ornaments and a new currency called Silver Dust.
A temporary big change is set to hit Destiny before the release of the 2.4.0 update, the Trials of Osiris event that runs from September 2 through the Weekly Reset on September 6 will represent the final chance to run through the competitive multiplayer event before the release of Rise of Iron.
PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gamers still have some time left to complete their Year Two Moments of Triumph as well. This week marks the final time Golgoroth will be available for the King’s Fall Raid Challenge mode while Kagoor will also make his final appearance in the Court of Oryx before Destiny: Rise of Iron launches on September 20. Players are going to receive Calcified Fragments that count towards the Eris Morn’s Revenge Moment of Triumph through the completion of these two activities alongside a third from completing the Sunless Cell Nightfall this week.
Destiny: Rise of Iron goes live at 2 a.m Pacific Time on Tuesday, September 20, for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.