Destiny 2 Dev’s Are Playing The Game In Its Entirety At Their Homes

Destiny 2's Clan features

We are inching closer to Destiny 2’s big reveal day by day, and we will finally have more information about the game on May 18 when Bungie shows of its gameplay trailer amongst other things.

While we keep waiting for that today Bungie released a podcast after 2014 which talked about a lot of cool stuff that was coming in Destiny 2 . During the discussion game director Luke Smith, Community Director Mark Noseworthy and community Manager Eric Osborne talk about the upcoming game.

One of the interesting bits from the podcast was when the devs explained that why it was motivating for them to be able to play the entire game at home. Here is what Luke Smith had to say about this

“We have the game at home, which is awesome. We have the whole game at home. On a private test realm. And we’re playing the sh** out of the game. That actually becomes pretty motivating to get back to work, because you can see, so clearly, inspiration n things that are going amazingly. And you can also see so many opportunities. We’re not done. We’ve got plenty of work in front of us. But having a version of the game where you can sit on your couch in front of your TV, it feels totally different than playing at your desk”

He also went on to compare the launch of Destiny 2 with the birth of a baby amongst other things. It will be interesting to see what the dev’s have lined up for us on the May 18th reveal , and whether we get some new information about the game’s story.

Destiny 2 is all set to be released in September of this year for the PS4, Xbox One and PC. let us know if you will pe purchasing it by commenting in the comments section below.