Someone's Expected To Die In Flash Season 3 Apart From Iris

Barry Allen

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Flash Season 3 just got more interesting. One thing that is common in superheroes show is a superhero and his lover. Most of the shows are all about how the superhero saves his damsel in distress in every episode. But the real question is that to what lengths a person might go to save his significant other.

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The Flash season 3 has been a roller coaster ride as the team is yet again faced with another super villain. This time the villain is Savitar the God of motion. So what makes Savitar so dangerous? Well to start off he is aware of the inns and outs of the team. Savitar also reveals that he kills Iris (Flash’s girlfriend in the future).

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Flash, who has the ability to travel through time is expected to travel to the future in an attempt to save the love of his life. But will this be a right move? Flash on numerous occasions has time travelled to change things but messing with the space time continuum can be a tricky business.

Just Jared Jr an entertainment website has released some photos that show a gloomy picture of the Flash’s set. The pictures appear to be showing a funeral. While many of you may be expecting it to be Iris’s funeral, guess again. In the pictures Iris is with Barry and both of them seem to be sad. So if Iris is alive then who does the funeral belong too.

It may seem that Flash’s continuous time travel may have disrupted the events of the present and led to the death of someone else in place of Iris. Many people are speculating the funeral is of Killer Frost(Catilin Snow). Snow wasn’t found in the photos and there is a possibility that she died. For viewers to be more certain they would have to wait and see as to who was the one that really died.

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