PS4 Trophies Are Syncing Much Quicker Than Before



Sony revealed how PS4 trophies would be syncing quicker than before via their Twitter page today. Here is the tweet in question for better clarification.

What this means is that PS4 trophies will be connecting to the database much faster , which means that the trophies will be appearing on your screen almost instantaneously . The improved load times are recognizable everytime you will open up your achievement list.

Here is what PlayStation Europe had to say about the new feature, which has significantly improved loading times.

“Good news! Your trophies will now sync much quicker than ever before on your PS4, so it’ll be easier to show off your achievements!”

Trophies are digital recognitions for your in game achievements that you unlock in different games. There are different categories and difficulties to obtain a trophy. The most common one being bronze, and the most rarest ones being Platinum.

The recent improvement of the trophy system comes due to the recent maintenance that happened on the PlayStation Network , which is likely to have caused the improvement in the speed of the load times.

Let us know what do you think about the improved loading time of trophies by commenting in the comments section below.


  • cozomel

    The PS4’s trophy upload speeds were already fast for me, its the PS3 that needs some serious help, that sh’t can take forever! Also, we need auto trophy sync already, wtf Sony? Is it because of some patent rights or just incompetents?