Screenshots For Life Is Strange Prequel Leaked As The Original Goes Free On PS Plus


It appears a Life Is Strange prequel is apparently in the works , this news comes courtesy of some leaked images that were discovered today. To have a look at the said images click on the following link.

Just Yesterday in in a statement Deck Nine Games said that they would be releasing a new game set in an established franchise.

With the creation of our new, proprietary toolset StoryForge and the shift in studio focus, we are removing the shackles from our creative team and bringing together our two passions; meaningful storytelling and rich gameplay,” said Jeff Litchford, Vice President of Deck Nine. “We’ve invested heavily in our staff of incredibly talented developers and in creating some truly remarkable tools. Our game will be announced at E3 this year where you’ll be able to see our efforts for yourself.”

The leaked images show Chloe and Rachel together and hence further confirms the theory that the leaked images are indeed from a Life is Strange prequel. If you have not played the original game , you can do so now as it is at the moment free for PS Plus members.

Furthermore a sequel is also in development by developers Dontnod Entertainment and is set to come out pretty soon. it will hence be interesting to see how the sequel and prequel fare when compared with each other after release.

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Alejandro is an avid gamer , with a slight bias towards the Xbox One (though he wont admit it). Skyrim is one of his all time favorites.