Rumors Suggest Leonardo Di Caprio Is Rumored To Be The New Joker



Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy is a series that the majority of us wont ever forget. The three part films were able to capture the true essence of Batman and successfully created a fan following separate from the comic geeks. One thing that truly set the series apart was the character of Joker played by Heath Ledger. Ledger showcased his skills beautifully as the Joker by dexterous display of replication of the character from the comics.

After Nolan bidding farewell following the Dark Knight Rises many  were left gloomy hopeless that such a master class may ever come to the cinema again. Warner Bros along with DC comics have had little success if you exclude the Nolan’s Batman classic. Batman Vs Superman came under huge criticism by the critics, meanwhile the Suicide Squad wasn’t also well applauded by the fans. Jared Leto’s Joker had some high expectations but failed to match Ledger’s sublime skill and talent.

If you’re a DC fan however the phrase there’s light after darkness may suit well. Warner Bros has managed to retrieve some lost pride through Wonder Women and now has a huge list of projects in the pipeline. On such project is the standalone Joker film. What makes the news even more interesting is the actor that might be playing this role.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Martin Scorses is trying to lure Leonardo Di Caprio to fill in the role of Batman’s arch nemesis. While the chances of Di Caprio taking the helm are slim it shows Warner Bros’ seriousness when it comes to their Justice League Universe. If there is one character who can clearly match Heath Ledger’s class and talent it’s Leo.

Although these are at this point just rumors. Imagine if this was to become a reality. It would definitely send the internet into a meltdown.