Star Wars: The Last Jedi continues to mint the greens as it looks to become the highest grossing film of 2017 domestically. The movie managed to amass $445 million by Wednesday and considering the current trends its expected to surpass $500 million by the end of this week.
The latest success of the Star War series shows the strength of the brand that Disney has developed over the years. While, pundits are pessimistic on the Last Jedi coming anyone close to the Force Awaken, this alone is a massive achievement. Especially for a movie that didn’t receive a very lucrative score from the audience.
Currently, Beauty and the Beast holds the top slot at $504 million but according to Box Office Mojo, Star Wars will soon take over. Who takes whom over in the box office isn’t much of a problem when both the movies come from the same company i:e Disney.
2017 has been a gem of a year for Disney. Not only did Star Wars and Beauty and Beast made some headwinds but Thor: Ragnarok and Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2 managed to amass huge sums. Disney must seriously be doing something write that allows it to produce one block buster after the other.
We believe that Disney exceeds at story setting and telling abilities. All of its recent successes have a strong and rich heritage. Star Wars is there since the 90s and even now manages to trigger the same level of interest. Beauty and the Beast was first viewed by the audience as an animation and now the same parents take their children for the movie version. Its like a heirloom being passed after one generation to the other. Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor on the other hand are set to emerge in the Avengers against Thanos one of their greatest threats.