There has been a lot of complaints about the lack of end-game content for Destiny 2 from players and it couldn’t come at a worst time when Bungie has just announced that they are postponing their PvP event “Trials of the Nine” by two weeks! This decision was taken because of a glitch in the game that allowed players to walk through walls by using an emote.
The announcement was made via a blog post from Bungie which stated that the Trials of the Nine will be released on November 3,2017 and that the development team is working actively for a fix for the glitch which could cause troubles such as give players unfair advantages in competitive matches.
“As a follow-up to reported incidents of emote glitching in the Crucible, we are investigating a fix that we plan to deploy during the first week of November. In the meantime, the next two instances of Trials of the Nine will be postponed. Please stay tuned for updates. We will provide more information as it becomes available. At this time the next instance of Trials of the Nine is forecasted to resume on November 3, 2017.”
The glitch came to light last week when the “Bureucratic Walk” emote started allowing players to walk through walls. The emote has now been removed by Bungie from the game but it will be added back again for anyone who had it in their inventory to use (as soon as it’s fixed).
Destiny 2 has been going off the charts in terms of sales as people are just loving the sequel to one of the most hyped shooters of all time. It has, however, been doing poorly after the initial release hype but the release of the PC version will surely bring a boost to sales.
Destiny 2 is out now for the PS4 and Xbox One and will be releasing on PC shortly so be sure to get it if you haven’t already. Stay tuned for more!