Xbox One
EA’s Removal Of Star Wars Battlefront II Microtransactions Has Gained Full...
Now that EA has temporarily removed all microtransactions from Battlefront II, there's been some speculation that Disney forced EA's hand
Xbox One
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Year 3 RoadMap Revealed.
Rainbow Six Siege is going to conclude its Year Two with its last season Operation: White Noise which was revealed during this season's Pro League Finals
Xbox One
Hideki Kamiya Interested In Making A Crossover For Devil May Cry...
Hideki Kamiya recently teased a crossover between Devil may Cry and Bayonetta. Lets hope this indeed comes to fruition
Xbox One
Uncharted Turns 10 Years Old And There Are Free Avatars And...
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune came out exactly ten years ago on this day and it has been one hell of a ride ever since then!

Xbox One
Here Are The Big Winners From The 35th Annual Golden Joystick...
The 35th Annual Golden Joystick Awards took place this weekend in London where gaming achievements were recognized across all platforms
Xbox One
According To Wolfenstein Producer Xbox One X Will Set New Standards...
Xbox One X is boasting the title of the most powerful console out in the market right now and for good reason!
Xbox One
The Industry And Fans Have Turned Their Backs On EA And...
Star Wars Battlefront II has been a PR nightmare for EA, and although for the time being they have decided to turn off microtransactions they damage it seems is irreversible.
Xbox One
Nintendo Dominates The Hardware And Software Charts In Japan , Whilst...
Nintendo Dominates The Hardware And Software Charts In Japan , Whilst Xbox One X And Sonic Forces Flounder
Xbox One
Respawn CEO, Vince Zampella States They Will Retain Their Idealogy Even...
Respawn who was founded by former Infinity Ward executives Vince Zampella and Jason West has now been acquired by the publishing giant EA
Xbox One
DICE Is Lowering Hero Prices In Battlefront 2 By 75%
The progression system in Battlefront 2 has been much discussed about and in undergoing some major changes by DICE