Netflix Is Going To Be Producing The Witcher TV Series
No your read that right, Netflix will be bringing The Witcher TV series to our screens pretty soon, so Netflix and Kill.
South Korean Presidential Candidate Uses Overwatch’s Play Of The Game For...
South Korea's presidential candidate uses Overwatch's play of the game in her political adverts and its amusing to say the very least

Gaming Can Actually Get You A “Dream Job” At McLaren
It appears McLaren will be holding an Esports competition to find the "fastest gamer in the world". Who will eventually join the F1 team
Rumor: New Assassin’s Creed Game Might Be Called Assassin’s Creed Origins
The forthcoming game of Assassin’s Creed is rumored to be titled Assassin's Creed Origins and might be the next game in the franchise
Ubisoft Possibly Teasing A New Far Cry Game, Far Cry 5...
Ubisoft's Far Cry is one of the longest running series out there , with the latest installment Far Cry primal getting a lukewarm response

Phil Spencer Talks About Gaming As A Service , Sparks Debate...
Over the weekend an interview was published by the Guardian in which Phil Spencer talked about how gaming has evolved into a service
The Witcher Author Is Wrong, The Games Made The Series Popular,...
In a bizarre new twist to the conflict, Metro 2033's author has spoken out against the author of the Witcher series.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Trailer Surfaces On The Internet Due To...
The first trailer for Star Wars Battlefront 2 has surfaced on the internet due to a leak and it is promising

Dragon Age 4 Possibly Game Hinted By Voice Actress
A new Dragon Age game possibly Dragon Age 4 might be being worked on if rumors and certain teasing images are to be believed

Mass Effect Andromeda Has Been Cracked Already Courtesy CPY
EA's extensive plan's to protect its digital properties has apparently failed as Mass Effect Andromeda has been cracked already