Bertram Fiddle is back with another episode and this time around we have to catch Geoff the Murderer as we investigate around Victorian Era London all the while solving mind-boggling puzzles and engaging in witty and clever dialogue with the characters around us.
The sequel to the fun point-and-click adventure starts off very strong with a focus on subtle humor in its dialogue and gameplay, we are tasked with going off on an another adventure in A Bleaker Predicklement and solving a mystery which leads to a whole lot of trouble for our nifty yet quirky protagonist.
However, as you progress throughout the game you get to see the bland aspects of it. The dialogue seems forced or repeated and poor lip sync disengaged me from the game a couple of times, although it isn’t much noticeable so it does not (mostly) interfere as you go along the story.
A part of the game i found myself loving were the seemingly impressive puzzles throughout that gave me quite a bit of trouble to solve. Whether it was telling a near-blind Mrs. Dullsworth who I was or finding my way in a maze, these moments were perfectly created which make A Bleaker Predicklement an exciting point-and-click adventure.
The soundtrack and art style of the game gave me a certain Tim burton vibe and both of them made perfect sense in a game that explores dark humor and witty adult jokes masked carefully underneath the dialogue.
Most of the time, the same color-palette and environmental aspects repeated and most places seemed like rehashes of a previously explored area. Although this isn’t a bad thing as it added to the Victorian London feel of the game, it would’ve been interesting to see more colorful areas.
As I reached the end of the game, the story really started to shine again and it was an extremely pleasant experience witnessing Bertram clear his name for a crime that he didn’t commit. Bertram Fiddle: A Bleaker Predicklement is a perfect example of how a point-and-click adventure should be in 2017 with a great soundtrack, amazing art style and cleverly written dialogue. In this sequel, the good seems to trump the bad and the repetition of dialogue and environments aren’t enough to spoil the experience (although they could’ve been better).
Bertram Fiddle: A Bleaker Predicklement is out now on Steam and iOS and you can get if 20% off for now on Steam. Be sure to pick it up if you liked the first and stay tuned for more!