There’s More To Code Vein Than Just An Anime Version Of Dark Souls; Hiroshi Yoshimura Explains



Bandai Namco’s newest game that they showed off recently, Code Vein, has been touted by many to be an anime take on the soulsborne genre but it seems that there is much more to the game than that according to Hiroshi Yoshimura.

The Action RPG has a diverse art style which definitely hints at using the Dark Souls formula and Yoshimura doesn’t deny the fact that it does indeed come off as a Dark Souls clone. But he says that there are several different, unique aspects to the game that make it standout from the rest.

Yoshimura said that Code Vein is: “Dark Souls-ish, dungeon action RPG. Because I’m the creator of God Eater, there’s a lot of character behind the story and drama behind the story, too. We do have that unique flavor of narrative in there, so we wanted to feature that within the dungeon action RPG genre.”

There are definitely going to be a lot of tried and tested methods from the Dark Souls series (very much like Bloodborne which brought it’s own flavor to the formula) and we are excited to see what Code Vein brings to the table. The players you meet in the world of Code Vein are vampires that need blood to survive and become powerful. The thirst for power and the struggle to survive will have players looking for blood throughout the game, and with that may come a load of interesting and punishing enemies.

Hiroshi Yoshimura also mentioned that the pacing of the game will differ from a lot of traditional Action RPGs that are out right now. God eater was a previous project from the same developers and they are trying to find a perfect balance for Code Vein by adjusting the hack n slash combat with proper pace for the story.

Code Vein is set to be out in 2018 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC, be sure to keep checking back for more gameplay and news on the game. We’ll be providing news as soon as it’s released, stay tuned!

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Sam's one of the most laid back and relaxed individuals that you will find. He loves both the DC and Marvel Cinematic Universe, and enjoys playing FIFA on his Xbox One.