PUBG Going Big On The Xbox One And PC



Our new and improved gaming consoles have allowed gamers unlimited boundaries and play with fellow gamers all around the world. Normally every game now comes with an online feature but there are only few that break through the clutter and outshine the others. Today we take a look at one such game which has continued its successful run.

Player Unknown’s Battleground (PUBG) has sold around 30 million units on the PC and X Box one combined. 73% of this amount comes from PC sales alone making it the top seller on the PC. What makes the news more interesting is that, the game has also entered the top 5 online games on the X Box one, a feat that is worth applauding.

The news was revealed by Aaron Greenberg, the Xbox marketing chief. Other games that accompany PUBG include Call of Duty: WW2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Madden NFL 18, and Cup head. After its success on the PC and Xbox, the game developers remain sanguine but cautious on bringing the game to the PS.

The CEO of PUBG, Chan Hang Kung regarding the issue said that “Early Access on Steam and Game Preview on Xbox One are like pre-release, so they don’t have a restriction on quality. However, PS is very strict about this. There were cases where a game took 6 months more to launch even when it was already completed. We are still in the stage of learning the console development environment and console gamers’ taste. We need to think about other platforms after evaluating and completing the Xbox One version first.“

PUBG and its immense success can be attributed to fun and simple gameplay and is testament to the fact that graphical prowess is not everything and a game can be successful if it focuses on the fun and easy to play element.