Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit have contributed a pivotal role in enlarging our memories with yet again another cosmos filled with action and adventure. J.R.R Tolkien was the first to bring this universe to life through his novels. But it wasn’t only until Warner Bros efforts to bring the novel to the big screen did it truly grew. Now both movie series command a massive fan following and Middle-Earth is as familiar as Hogwarts or maybe even more.
According to the Variety Middle- Earth might be coming back. Warner Bros Television and the Tolkien estate are in negotiations with Amazon studios to bring the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit universe to the TV screen. The CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos is reportedly personally involved these negotiations.
So are we going to get a series or not? Well its quite early to make any premature statements but it seems that the series might just go through. Amazon studios under Bezos’ leadership is bringing a shift in its marketing strategy. They are going away from the niche market model to the mass market model. Considering recent success of TV shows, we think that it is a right move and is in line with the current audience’s demands.
Warner Bros and the Tolkien estate recently settled a lawsuit. This move if it goes through outlines the maturity of both the parties highlighting their forward looking nature. The series will have great potential to succeed and could become a golden cow for both parties if executed properly.
Both Lord of the Rings and Hobbit were phenomenal on their own respect. Both the series ended on a high note and have a strong brand equity. We believe that a TV series should only be launched if something of the same caliber or better can be produced. If the series fails to be up the mark it could damage years of equity and following that has been created.