One of the biggest and most exciting features Bungie promised for Destiny 2 was Guided Games, a way for solo players or groups of 2 players could find others to help them complete raids and other missions. The feature aimed for the Destiny 2 experience to be more diverse and complete, it is currently in beta testing right now but it will be fully functional by the end of September. Below you will find out, in detail, about what this feature actually is and how you can possibly get a Nightfall ticket to experience it in beta testing right now!
Guided Games helps bridge the gap between complete parties and solo players/groups of 2 for in-game events and missions such as the Nightfall Strike or the Raid. Guided Games will act like a “looking for group” communities that are present on websites but it will be much more efficient and fixed in the game’s mechanics for matchmaking. There are two ways you can use the Guided Games feature in-game, one is that you can sign up as a Seeker if you’re a solo player looking for groups to complete the Nightfall Strike or the Raid. The other way is that you can sign up as Guides, a way for your group to find and help solo members that are looking to progress in the Nightfall Strike or the Raid.
Getting in to the Guided Games system right now will require you to get a Nightfall ticket if you want to sign up as a Seeker, as it is still in beta mode. Apparently, there is not set way for you to acquire a Nightfall ticket as it will be given to you randomly (or if Bungie considers you an active player and decides to pick you for beta testing) so our advice is to be active with in-game voice chat and events as much as possible.
Be sure to let us know in the comments section below if you got a Nightfall ticket. Stay tuned for more on Destiny 2!