Bioware Says Anthem Singleplayer Details Are Coming In The Near Future



Not much is known about Anthem singleplayer , from what we have seen so far much of the focus for the new IP seems to center around the multiplayer. However Bioware has time and time again assured fans that Anthem singleplayer has it’s own importance , and it appears that the fans might be getting some news which will clear the air in the near future.

Recently while responding to fan queries Bioware’s Michael Gamble was asked about Anthem and whether it had a story driven singleplayer mode . To which he responded .


Bioware recently held a milestone review of the game ,and it seems that the devs were pretty happy with Anthem’s gameplay and story. However given how Mass Effect Andromeda turned out in recent times it’s probably best to exercise caution.

Furthermore with publisher EA recently shutting down Visceral Games who were working on a story driven linear Star Wars Game, there is legitimate cause of concern from some fans that Anthem might not include singleplayer at all.

The Visceral games news came out of nowhere, and while there is uncertainity surrounding as to why exactly did EA shut down Visceral, the most popular opinion seems to be that EA wanted the game to adopt a games as a service model and hence a story driven Star Wars game did not get much love.

There is also cause for concern that Anthem may wind up the same way as well. An incomplete Destiny clone with not much in terms of story. The original Destiny had a lot of complains of having a threadbare and somewhat confusing story, and Bioware would be wise to learn from Bungie’s mistake and not go down the same road.

I do hope for the sake of gaming that there is a story driven Anthem singleplayer . Guess we will find out in the next few weeks.Let us know your opinions by commenting in the comments section below.