At the E3 2017 presscon, a surprise announcement was made by Bethesda with a sequel of Wolfenstein: The New Order with which fans have become very happy. It’s called Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus which will be arriving later this year. With this forthcoming game, BJ Blazkowicz will be going to the US which is Nazi-occupied and the developers do not plan to stop here.
As per the creative director of Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, Jens Matthies, this sequel is not going to be the hindmost entry in the franchise and a hint was also given about the Mecha –Hitler who may make a comeback in the next game. During an Jens Matthies talked about the game and how they envisioned it as a trilogy.
“We always envisioned this as a trilogy. If we get to make the third one–once we introduce Mecha-Hitler, you can’t go up from there.”
Snippets of several cutscenes of the game were shown by Bethesda while revealing the game and the devs have unveiled that there is a lot more where that came from. As per the studio, the game has almost 3 hours of cutscenes and around 100 actors are featured. Talk about going all out
“We’re extremely happy with how it all comes together, both in terms of the physical locations, the play spaces, but also in terms of the story. The story is super, super ambitious, and we’re so proud of how everything’s coming together. We have such a huge cast [and so many] cinematics – so in terms of the storytelling it’s a very, very big undertaking. It’s something we couldn’t even attempt last time around because we didn’t have the experience.”
The game is in the works at Machine Games and is a first-person action shooter game which is scheduled to launch on October 27th, 2017 for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.